
Coined in 2021 by Greek economist and politician Yanis Varoufakis, ”technofedualism” is the idea that we are no longer living in a capitalist democracy but in feudalist kingdoms run by tech companies and their CEOs.

"Big tech" is touted to be the ultimate path to wealth and freedom. From majoring in computer science to Bitcoin/NFTs to social media, tech promises you’ll get rich and famous (quickly too).

Being an influencer is a top career goal for most children. They learn to transform their very existence into a marketable "brand" from the moment they can read. Elite influencers get their own movies and makeup brands. They have become both the soap opera and the soap ad, just without healthcare, retirement, or job security.

The masks of Musk and Bezos are for “manifesting money”


Photo Essay - Good Girl (2022)